Inspire! The Art of Inspiration

The Communication Guide to Positively Influence Others


Ignite Passion – Empower Growth – Shape the Future


Discover Inspiration, Live Conviction, Ignite Enthusiasm – A practical Communication Guide for those seeking to positively influence their environment

“Inspire! The Art of Inspiration” is a practical handbook for anyone who wants to positively influence their environment. It shows how we can inspire others in the long term, whether in our professional or private lives.

The book examines three basic approaches to behavioural change and highlights their effectiveness along with their advantages and disadvantages. In addition, the four pillars of inspiration – authenticity, emotion, logic and meaning – as well as the four toxins are discussed in detail. Based on neuroscientific studies, we learn how we can develop an inspiring personality and build persuasive communication. In this context, the holistic I.N.S.P.I.R.E. approach offers a structured methodology to motivate people to act from inner conviction. After all, inspiration is a skill that can be learnt. With an understanding of the key elements and the right mindset, each of us is able to exert our influence sincerely and persuasively.

Ultimately, inspiration is more than just a communication technique – it is a way of life that supports others to follow their values, live authentically and enrich their worldview.